Steve Balding
teve finally acted on the advice of his headmaster some forty-odd years ago, "So you think you're funny Balding, you should be a comedian!"
Steve Balding is a comic story teller. In his gag-filled act, he shares his own alternative and nostalgic views on modern life.
His act is a hilarious insight into this ordinary bloke's struggle to maintain his place in the 21st century, and his desperate attepts to be a modern man. A heavy and begrudging task for someone happily stuck in the 1970s.
Steve lives and promotes live comedy in his home town of Margate in Kent as well as performing his act at various venues around the UK.
"Steve's natural humour and wide repertoire held the room from the first seconds. Hilarious is an understatement, the guy is something else! Whether you're 25 or 75 steve will have you in stitches" Katerina Philippou-Curtis. The Laugh Bite Comedy.
"A Man from the 70s with the mind of a millenial...One of the best acts working in the UK" Adam Morrison-Jones. Comedian and Comedy Promoter.